Update for: #35
Class of 1960
Picnic at Lodi Lake
October 30, 2015
Seventeen classmates/spouses/friends attended our 35rd “Class of ‘60 Luncheon”, at Lodi Lake. We gathered in the area up front, where we were for our last two class picnics and had the entire area to ourselves. It was a GORGEOUS fall day.
Those in attendance were: Patti Bender, Sharon Christopherson, Ron Wilson, Sharon’s husband, Gayle Deutscher & her husband Mel Streyle, Carolyn Marshall, Fred Mc Farland, Marilyn Ostermann, Marsha Sanger, Shirley Savig, Mavis Seibel, Ron Suess, Mike Sullivan, Kathy Welsh, Janet Woehl , Janice Woehl & sister Joannie Woehl.
Emails of regret, but tell everyone hello, came from: Bill Belforte, Betteann Bettger, Judy Bouska, Dianne Cooper, Dave Cristofani, Carolyn DeVinny, Clyde Ehrhardt, Roland & Linda Hatterle, Dave Hildenbrand, Linda Kundert, Georgia Maul, Stan Melcher, Maxine Schaffer, Donna Schumacher, and Lynette Walther.
I ran into Stan Melcher recently, as I was jay-walking, and he kindly stopped and motioned for me to cross in front of him, and then found out that it was Stan. He said that Bob Fuller was going in for “a major tune–up” on Oct 30. I called a cell number and Barbara, his wife, answered. They were in Sacramento prepping for his surgery. Before sending this out, I waited until hearing from Barbara, and she left a text message in part that read, “Bob was taken off the ventilator this morning, his bleeding has subsided (due to his baby aspirin), he was sitting in a chair earlier and ate a little lunch. The nurse says he’s progressing as expected, but doing very well for this stage. So, all good news. I’m sure that Bob would enjoy a call, card, text, e-mail; whatever it is that you do to communicate. Another text message came today with more good news.
Mavis will be having knee surgery on Nov. 16. I’m sure she’d also enjoy a word of encouragement.
Several of us found out the hard way that there is a senior citizen rate when parking at Lodi Lake. I have always just parked on the street and walked over the grassy-knoll, but this time I had too many items to carry. They have an honor system when it comes to the entry fee, but if someone comes by and you can’t produce the “little yellow ticket” they can give you a fine of $45. Not wanting to take any chances, all of us scurried over to the yellow box to leave our donation. Afterwards, Ron Wilson read the very fine print which listed a separate fee for seniors. Next time, we’ll remember! RIGHT?!
Our brown-bag lunch, I thought, was a success, as that way every- one was able to eat exactly whatever each wanted. Anymore it seems too difficult to think of items to serve that everyone will be able to consume. Mike Sullivan brought a delicious apple pie from Phillips Farms to share, and it was a big hit!
No one came in a Halloween costume, but Marilyn wore skeleton earrings, so that’s as close that we brushed to that holiday. Many were in fall colors, so we were dressed for fall rather than Halloween. Ron mentioned that he was so proud of his son, Bubba Suess, as his new book was to come out soon entitled Hiking California’s Mt. Shasta Region. I went online and looked him/it up. His photography is GORGEOUS. He has another book called, Hiking California’s Wine Country.
Both Ron & Mike drove over from Santa Rosa in separate cars, Fred from Stockton, Mel & Ron came along as Lodi spouses. Maybe another time we’ll have even more of the guys joining us. Carolyn, Janet, Janice, Joannie, Marilyn & Shirley drove from Sacramento, and Gayle, Kathy, Mavis, Patti & Sharon from Lodi. You are ALL appreciated, otherwise I would have been there all by myself.
Thanks to Carolyn and Shirley for sending me the photos that they took. There are repeats, but I didn’t know how to pick ‘n choose, so I just included all of them. You can do the editing.
Our next gathering will be on Friday, January 29, 2016, at Salisbury’s located at 1123 E. Vine Street on the east side of Hwy 99. They have a separate room where we can gather to celebrate that we can still gather together.
Please forgive me if I forgot to mention someone or in someway neglected something. Mea Culpa
Stay HEALTHY, SAFE, and HAPPY and hope to see at our next gathering. Enjoy life; it does have an expiration date!
Marsha Sanger
cell: (209) 629 - 5859
email: iso7lo3@gmail.com (all lower case letters, 2 numbers)
PS: If you’d like to be deleted from this list of LUHS Class of ‘60 e-dresses, pretty PLEASE just let me know, and I won’t send further updates.
___________Note from Judy A. Remmick-Hubert________
Photos are, now, shown on the following page.

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Photo from a Stockton tourist web site. Photographer's name has not been provided.