Update for:
Class of 1960
Ladies Luncheon
July 31, 2015
Seventeen classmates attended our 34rd “Class of ‘60 Ladies Luncheon”, at Casa Flores in Lodi. Thanks, Annette, for making the reservations.
Those in attendance were: Wanda Ballew, Diane Becker, Patti Bender, Sharon Christopherson, Dianne Cooper, Sandy Lind, Marlene Miller, Marilyn Ostermann, Margaret Phipps, Annette Reiswig, Marsha Sanger, Mavis Seibel, Sharon Tanaka, Lynette Walther, Kathy Welsh, Janet Woehl and Janice Woehl.
Emails of regret, but tell everyone hello, came from: Kathleen Banegas, Betteann Bettger, Cathleen Bjelland, Gayle Deutscher, Faye Doty, Claire Fujita, Carol Hughes, Karen Krause, Carolyn Marshall, Georgia Maul, Judy Remmick, Shirley Savig, Maxine Schaffer, Donna Schumacher, and Lynette Weidner.
Diane Becker brought coupons for an introductory massage/ facial at the Sirius Spa that just opened two doors down in the same strip mall. I was in line to check it out, but had to leave shortly after walking in, as the aromatic diffuser was working too efficiently for my pathetic immune system. This special offer is good through August 2015.
Diane Becker also brought a small picture album with photos from our last two reunions. That was so much fun looking through, as I knew most of the people and it was interesting to compare photos from the two events. Looking forward to the next installment.
Mavis reported that A&W will celebrate its birthday on Aug. 6 with free root beer floats. Check it out if you’re cruising that area on Lodi Avenue. Janice Buchmiller told me about a special deal from Costco which allows you to receive free refills FOREVER on optical cleaner when you bring in the original item that was purchased from them. It’s for real, as I checked it out. Bob Jones sent me an e-mail reminding us to not use our mobile phones when filling our gas tanks, as bad things can happen. Keep the phone far away from the gas pump.
Our recent 55th reunion/picnic was a huge success. Thanks to every one who made it happen. PLEASE go to Judy Remmick’s website to look at the wonderful display of photos that she has assembled. She took photos from our 1960 annual and placed them next to our current photo for comparison in many instances. Thanks, Clyde, for your two DVDs of photos. I’m sure that if you have any photos that you’d like to share, please forward them to Judy and she’ll make that happen. Her link is: remmick@aol.com
Our next gathering will be on Friday, October 30, 2015, and we’d like to invite the “Guys from the Class of 1960”. We’ve decided to bring a brown-bag with whatever you want to eat, and we’ll gather in the same area of Lodi Lake where we had our picnic. I don’t plan on reserving it, but will hope it will be available just for us. If you’d like to bring a lawn chair, that will work. I’ll bring a tablecloth or something to hopefully put “dibbs” on that location. I’ll send out a reminder in October and perhaps we’ll have a big gathering in the open air and celebrate that we can still gather together.
Please forgive me if I forgot to mention someone or in someway neglected something. Mea Culpa
Stay HEALTHY, SAFE, and HAPPY and hope to see at our next gathering. Enjoy life; it does have an expiration date!
Marsha Sanger
cell: (209) 629 - 5859
email: iso7lo3@gmail.com (all lower case letters, 2 numbers)
PS: If you’d like to be deleted from this list of LUHS Class of ‘60 e-dresses, pretty PLEASE just let me know, and I won’t send further updates.

See Photographs