Marsha Sanger's Report
#51 Update Class of 1960
October 25, 2019 Lodi Lake Picnic
Twenty gathered together at Lodi Lake on Friday, October 25, 2019, for a good dose of chatting, laughing, sharing, and camaraderie.
It was a gorgeous fall day with temperatures in the 80s. Those who gathered were: John Bender, Patti Bender, Judy Bouska, Sharon Christopherson and spouse Ron Wilson, Dianne Cooper & her Shar-Pei dog, Gayle Deutscher & spouse/classmate, Mel Streyle, Claudia Handy, Jerry Hugo, Karen Krause, Larry Leno, Stan Melcher, Dennis Mettler, Marsha Sanger, Mavis Seibel, Ron Suess, Mike Sullivan, Corky Veit, and Kathy Welsh.
These wonderful classmates sent an e-mail of regret or responded to my last update from our #50 gathering or I saw out and about: Arnie Beglau, Bill Belforte, Dave Cristofani, Katy Daugherty, Diane Druin, Carolyn DeVinny, Faye Doty, Fred Dunnett, Clyde Ehrhardt, Starla Filler, Cherie Flower, Claire Fujita, Marjorie Garrison, Jeri Giannoni, Hideo Harada, Dona Holmes, Kathy Kammerer, Janie Keir, Judie Keir, Linda Kundert, Sandy Lind, Joyce Leventini, Marcie Lowe, Carolyn Marshall, Georgia Maul, Marilyn Ostermann, Bill Probst, Annette Reiswig, Judy Remmick, Doug Saddler, Pat Sanguinetti, Maxine Schaffer, Bob Schenone, Donna Schumacher, Lynette Walther, Shirlee Weaver, Dewey Willis, and Janet Woehl.
We have unfortunately had to give our final good-byes to one of our classmates since the last update, Irene Krueger. I was told that there was no obituary or memorial service, but that she passed away due to cancer. To Irene’s family, please accept our most sincere sympathy.
Jerry Hugo graciously volunteered to be our class treasurer for our 2020 reunion. THANK YOU, JERY! We will forever be grateful to you.
Judy Bouska made a batch of her signature pecan cookies to share with all of us. THANK YOU, Judy, for your sweet treat and they were yummy, You ARE appreciated. I’ll attach her recipe as it’s a “winner”. All cookies were gone by the time everyone left. Mavis passed around some Halloween candy for all to enjoy. Talk about a sweet bunch of folks who gathered!
I brought our “class meeting” to order by reading the list of those classmates who couldn’t attend, but said to give those who gathered a big hello.
A first-timer, Dennis Mettler, appeared from across the grassy knoll. I had to ask for a name, as it had been 59 years since I’d last seen him. He was in town working hauling grapes, and now lives in Oregon.
Those who gathered did not want to have a sharing session, so Mavis took the stage and shared the details for our 2020 gathering. Reservations are made for Saturday, August 22, 2020, at the Woodbridge Golf & Country Club from 3:00 - 8:00 PM. A Friday picnic will take place at Lodi Lake, but no details as yet. Mavis said that she will be sending by mail, a “Save the Date” reminder in January to all classmates. With this she will need any changes to your contact information, as she likes to keep the files up to date.
Thank you Judy Bouska for taking my photo and sending it to me. I’ll hopefully be able to drag and drop all of the photos in this newsletter. You’d think by now, I’d know the drill, but I don’t. Now and then I get lucky.
I’m going to attempt to attach Judy’s pecan cookie recipe, but it won’t drag/drop and I’m not sure how to put it here. Perhaps it will be at the bottom of this email. It’s a Word document and I’m working in Pages. UGH!!
HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU .... until we meet again at Round Table Pizza on Friday, January 31, 2020, or back at the Lake if the weather is okay.
Stay healthy, active, happy and grateful and keep your sunny side up.
TTFN Marsha
If you want Judy’s recipe, just let me know and I’ll send it later. It just won’t copy/paste or drag and on Pages, I don’t know how to make an attachment.
[Judy's note: Photographs will be posted when I have time.]