Last Updated: 5 July 2020
Lodi Union High School's
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Memoirs button wil take you back to Index page with links starting in 1942 Year: Remmick's 'Voices of the Past": Echoes From My Freshman Year by Remmick Class of 60
Dances Our Sopmore Year: Flapper Fannies, 167 May 1956
Memory Lane: Pat Alexander and his new car -------List of Our Junior Class of 60 year
Ink Jars & Memories br Remmick: written 27 Aug 2000 : Notes written in Remmick's Year Book by Rosella Breitmeyer; Marty Gabriel, Betty Jo Willis, Betty Loue Reece, Bev ___, Kathy Lipert, Don RIveria, Sharon Christopherson, Linda Bender, Pat Alexander, Arlin Adams, our English teacher D. Maraz, another teacher Dottie M. [Mulvhill], Jerry Hugo, Mike Zetner
Dances In Our Junior Year : Dances - 22 March 1958, Winter Ball, Remmick with Brian Pietzke; 13 Dec 1958 Santa's Fantasy, Remmick with Pat Alexsander; Spring Dance called Gingham and Cord, Remmick and Pat Alexander & Rosie Breitmeyer and James Graham; 21 March 1959, The Pink Flamingo featuring the BLUE NOTES, Remmick with Timothy Emmerick; 16 May 1959, Huck's Hop,featuring the BLUE NOTES, Remmick and Tom Rogers
Junior Class Play: Junior Class Play was called "Dirty Work at the Crossroads" with photos of "Wicked Munro Murgotroyd" Dan Brown and "Sweet Nellie Lovelace" Betty Smatsky; & "The WIDOW Lovelace" Kathy Youdall and "Wicked Munro Murgatroyd" Dan Brown followed by more pages and more photos
------Photo by Clyde Erhardt, our class photographer: Judy Remmick and her "Egg Project" in Mr Burrow's Biology Class-= Remmick's Egg Project
Senior Year Index Page: Senior Year Index Page
Cheer Leaders and Song LeadersWinter Olympics
Football and other Sports for Boys and Girls
April Fool's Day, The Flame's "The Blame" (school newspaper) plus a section on the staff; Rods at Random; "Predictions of Our Future"
Senior Play - "Our Town"
Senior Banquet
Center Stage Play - "The Boy Friend"
Valedictorians of 1960 Class
--------Senior Photographs------
Senior Year Book
------------40th Reunion
Photos of Year 2000 Reunion: to 68 to 76 -Group Photo Section 1 - Group Photo Section 2 Group Photo Section 3
Photos of Year 2005 - 45th LUHS Reunion
------- 45 th LUHS Reunion, Year 2005
PICNIC for 45th to 154.html - Picnic at Lodi Lake to 172.html - Picnic continued
BANQUET - Banquet - 2005 - 60 photos 19 Nov 2009
-----------50th LUHS Reunion, Year 2010
Picnic for 50th Reunion, Year 2010 Picnic -
Banquet for 50th Reunion, Year 2010 Banquet Link To- http://
--- 55th Reunion- :
Year 2015 - Class of 1960's 55th Reunion Picnic followed by the Banquet
Vol 1, Oct 2000 Judy A. Remmick-Hubert Newsletters
>Bill Munson's Obit
>Photo with Peter Sheehan, Bod Fuller, Mr. Reimche and Tim Spittler
>Page 1: Emails from Bob Rocque, Clyde Ehrhardt, Peter Sheehan, David Cristofani, Dianna (Vandehey) Moran, Gary Pierson
>Page2:Photo of Judy Remmick-Hubert and Peter Sheean from the Reunion
>Page 3: Two photos of our classmates back in 1959-1960 plus notice of the death of Ken Zimmerman , Class 1958
>Page 1: Remmick's Notes, Clyde's Eight Questions, plus emails from Aetna Nicewonger (Mayfield), Bob Rocque, Ann Bauer and Dewey willis
>Page2: Remember When?, "Elmer The Love Bug" with photo: Moreen Wagemann, Lennice Porter, Daniel Brown, Betty Smatsky, Kathy Welsh, Gerry Steel, Patti Goodman, Nancy Owen, Betteann Bettger, Andy Gaudet and Denis (Charles) Fair, 1956, Woodsbridge School Play
>Page3: Photos of Adam "Chip" Adams in 1960 and 2000 at Reunion, Photos of Sue Welbly from 1960 and 2000, Year book photo of our Senior Council, Class 1960
>Page4: Photo of Jerilyn Giannoni, Gerald "Coke" Grauma and his wife Carla Norris, 1959 Photo of our Spng and Cheer Leaders: Robert Herr, Kathy Lippert, Mike Haney, Karen Krause, Linda Blout, Jeri Giannoni, Carla Norris and Cora Sue Culbertson, added to this is a photo of Lodi Tokay HS Song Leaders who entertain us at our banquet.
>Page 1:Remmick's Notes
>Page 2: Question and Answer Page. Emails from Dave Cristofani, Gig Harbor, WA, Ann Armstrong Bauer, Mike Stemler, Marjorie Garrison, MaryLou McGill O'Reilly, Rita Henry who wrote twice. The second announced that Patsy Wright passed in March 2001.......
>Page 3: Email from Claire Fujita Omura who sent the photo of her 5th and 6th class with Mrs. Vaughan, and, talked about her German class taught by Mr. Recksiek. Photo is the German Club of 1960. Memory of Judy Remmick's in Mr. Lynch's English Class and his bout with a skunk and Mr. Recksiek's habit of throwing an eraser through the window but one time the window was close and he broke the window....[talked about other teachers]....
Newsletter - Vol. 9: 13 Nov 2002
Newletter - Vol. 11: 25 Nov 2003
Newsletter-Vol. 13: 17 June 2005
Newsletter-LETTERS from 17 June 2005 to 2 Nov 2005
Newsletter-Vol. 14: 2 Nov 2005
Newsletter- LETTERS from 3 Nov 2005 to June 2006
174 LETTERS June 2006 to _1 Oct 2006
182Ladies Luncheon 26 Oct 2007
Private / E-mail Addresses Updated
Lodi High News In 2009 plus Letters Nov 2009
Ladies Luncheon - 30 April 2010
Lodi Union High School, 50th Reunion, 25 & 26 June 2010
Picnic -
Banquet- (Redo of old web site after iWEB Closed)
Lodi Union High School 55th Reunion : Banquet
Woodbrodge Country Club
Page 65: 31 July 2015 : Marsha wrote #34: - Luncheon Old
*Page 67 to 68: 30 Oct 2015: Marsha wrote #35: -Luncheon Photos on
Page 70 to 71: 29 Jan 2016: Marsha wrote #36 - Luncheon Photos
Pages 73 to 74: 29 April 2016: Marsha wrote #37 followed with photos:
OCT 2017-1, 2, 3 Marsha wrote # 43 - Luncheon Photos in 27 Oct 2017
April 2018 - 1, 2, 3 Marsha wrote # - Luncheon Photos in 27 April 2018
Oct 2018 - 1,2,3,4 Marsha wrote # - :uncheon Photos in 26 Oct 2018
Arpil 2019 A2- 1, 2 Marsha wrote # - Luncheon Photos in April 2019
June News Remmick's Newletter of June 2019
July2019 - 1,2,3 Marsha wrote #50 - Luncheon Photos in 26 July 2019
2019 New Website that back tracks old lost data
NEW HOME[ - *REMMMICK'S NOTE: Some of the following are in need of repair. Added to all of this, I am trying to find the data that has been lost. May appear confusing at this time but hope to reestablish all of it in time
31 Oct 2019 Halloween Day: Judy's Personal Note
due to the pandemic
60th LUHS Reunion
Picnic: Friday - 21 Aug 2020
Dinner: Saturday - 22 Aug. 2020
3:00pm to 8:00 pm
Woodbridge Country Club, CA

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